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Use Cases for Hyperledger Fabric Private Blockchain
Use Cases for Hyperledger Fabric Private Blockchain

Use Cases for Hyperledger Fabric Private Blockchain

April 06, 2024

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The widespread technology of blockchain and some ingenious developments have set up some final highlights. It is regarding the possibility of blockchain. Hyperledger Fabric has made a reputation that is unique and innovative among the popular blockchain frameworks. Many aspiring professionals of blockchain technology want to figure out its applications. They implement them furthermore in real life. Hyperledger appeared in conventional conversation somewhere in 2016. It is an open-source group of tools and projects They are used specifically for streamlining the task of development of blockchain. Hyperledger efficiency mostly depends on the collaboration of business owners and developers. Where business is engaged with distributed technology of ledger. 


As the adoption of blockchain technology continues to grow, businesses are looking for a proper solution. It is for making the most out of blockchain. This article is a complete guide to you that reveals the different applications and use cases of Hyperledger fabric. In this tutorial on Hyperledger fabric, we will also discuss the importance of developing an application of Hyperledger fabric. This blog is also suitable for those who are among those developers who have deeply invested in blockchain. And now they want to start with Hyperledger fabric.


Any business that ranks in the framework has requirements. They have a requirement of expertise for their tasks. If you are a beginner, you will still find yourself struggling with minor things. This is the reason why you need to begin practising as early as possible. Hyperledger fabric is a top-quality framework of enterprise blockchain. It offers DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) with great consent. It has some wonderful features making it an appropriate choice for businesses. So, this tutorial on Hyperledger fabric will also help you understand the advantages of developing its applications.  

Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source firm that is graded by platforms of blockchain. It offers unique capabilities and features. They are tailored for permission and private networks of blockchain. This article will explore all kinds of use cases for the implementation of blockchain Hyperledger fabric. That is also across industries. Hyperledger fabric helps streamline operations by empowering businesses. It further gains trust among the people. It also improves transparency. Hyperledger fabric is developed by the Hyperledger project. It is an approved framework of blockchain. It is created with the use cases of the businesses. It is not like the public blockchain (Ethereum and Bitcoin) that operates on a worldwide scale. Hyperledger fabric helps businesses to enable in deployment of permissioned and private networks of blockchain. It is tailored to requirements. 


Hyperledger fabric provides a flexible architecture. It helps to allow businesses to personalise all kinds of components. It includes membership services and algorithms that are consented to. It also involves the execution of a smart contract environment. This flexibility leads to qualified Hyperledger fabric. It is used for a wider range of business applications. It offers performance, scalability and features related to privacy. It is crucial for use cases of businesses. 


So overall, Hyperledger fabric is a modular architecture of blockchain. It is standard for blockchain platforms for businesses. This open and modular architecture grasps inextensible components. It is for supporting various use cases. The platform is designed for the creation of applications. Applications that are ranked by enterprise. Along with solutions to businesses. A different consented method is offered by Hyperledger Fabric. It enables performance at a level. It is while upholding of privacy of data. These are required for businesses. It is performed with the help of over 120000 participating businesses. It also has over 15000 engineers. 

If we check the data of the industry that uses Hyperledger Fabric, we find about 30% from Information Technology and Services, 15% in Education, 10 to 15% of Computer Software and more than 5% of Financial Services use its technology. Businesses using Hyperledger Fabric are more than 20% for small businesses with about 50 or fewer employees. About 30% for medium sized and about 50% for the large sized. According to data, the Market Share of Hyperledger Fabric is ranked in second position. Its estimated market share is about 24%. They have more than 2500 current customers from across the globe.


Hyperledger Fabric is a dispersed platform of ledger. It is open, enterprise-graded and tested. It consists of advanced control of privacy. So that it only shares the information that you want. It is shared by known users of the network. The operations of the business you wish to mechanise are documented in brilliant contracts. It is between the clauses of the parties that are executed by self. The clauses are written in coding lines. The dispersed and decentralised network of blockchain consists of agreements and codes. They are included therein. Businesses can trust in themselves. This is because transactions are irreversible and retractable. Due to the enabling of fast and enhanced making of judgements, businesses might save money, time and risk.

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What Is Hyperledger Fabric?

Hyperledger Fabric is a modular application of the architecture of blockchain. It can be used in developing applications, services and goods that are based on blockchain. They are intended for private business usage. It is with the assistance of the components of plug and play.  Hyperledger Fabric was introduced by the Linux Foundation. It is an open-source dispersed system of ledger. It has been used by businesses since its incorporation in 2016. The fabric was created by IBM. It is a decentralised ledger technology (DLT). It is highly adaptable in nature. It is for the use of industrial firms.  


Enterprises can differentiate information. Such as pricing. This is because Hyperledger fabric is a private blockchain. Also, it needs transactions and authorisation. It can be completed in a very fast process. This is because they have a lesser number of nodes in the network. It is used for the achievement of measurable advantages of business. Along with innovators across a wide range of industries:

All these industries are creating grasping Hyperledger fabric that is:

Fabric 2.0 was launched in January 2020. The crucial benefits of this version are:

The Linux Foundation is currently hosting cooperative projects across the industry. This project is called Hyperledger Fabric. It was first developed by Digital Asset and IBM. The fabric was the first project of Hyperledger. It is for reaching the level of activeness in March 2017. It is after leaving the stage of incubation. If a producer wants to send chocolates to the retailers of the market. Or maybe to some specific store. That too for a certain price. However, they do not want to reveal the pricing in other markets. If the implementation of the technology of blockchain is utilised. It is for enabling transactions. The pricing will be revealed privately to all the interested parties. As commodity transfer may consist of other parties. Such as financing banks, customs and shipping firms. 


By keeping the transactions that are private on the network. In a secret manner. The problem is solved by Hyperledger Fabric. It solves the problem by ensuring the parties. Those parties who require information and are aware of it. Partitioning of data helps to enable some points of data on the blockchain. It is only available to the people who have its requirements.

Applications of Hyperledger Fabric

Applications of Hyperledger Fabric

Traceability of Diamond

The ability to trace valuable goods is one of the biggest challenges for businesses in today’s world. For instance, diamonds are one of the most valuable assets. However, the mining business of diamonds is difficult. As it must pass through many parties before going to a store.  Therefore, applications of Hyperledger can help to resolve fraud issues. And double spending in the business of diamond mining. The application for the same can be done in various types of industries. Such as manufacturers of jewellery and luxury fashion. For instance, the agents who are in the business of mining diamonds can create a syndicate. It is with the help of Hyperledger Fabric. The framework of blockchain can help in documenting and tracking all transactions. Thereby maintaining clearness of the entire process.

Digital or Virtual Identity

The contour of the application tutorial of Hyperledger Fabric is not complete. It cannot be completed to the use cases in identity formed digitally. Businesses are slowly identifying setbacks in network and data security. With cyber-attacks and radical elevation in data violation. The traditional system of network security does not stand up to the needs of vigorous security needs. Therefore, companies that are transforming blockchain technologies are helping to protect useful data. As a permission blockchain the Hyperledger Fabric application helps in controlling entrance to effective digital credentials.

Payments in Digital Format

One of the noticeable examples of applications of Hyperledger Fabric is digital payments. Hyperledger offers a decentralised network of private blockchains. That is with the facility of protected transactions. That occurred between two parties. Hyperledger Fabric also ensures flawless communication among different systems of payments.

Food SCM

One of the major use cases of Hyperledger Fabric is shaping the initiatives of Supply Chain Management (SCM) in food industries. Most of the businesses of various sectors have grasped Hyperledger. It is for tracking the processing of the product. And that is throughout the entire journey of manufacturing. Application tutorial of Hyperledger Fabric would also help to prove that businesses are involved actively. They are involved in using tools for the development of an association. 


One of the interesting facts is most companies are using Hyperledger for tracking their products’ journey. They track through the entire journey of processing. Businesses grasp Fabric for the development of consortium. It can help in improving the supply chain process of the food. Through this, businesses can also gain the trust and satisfaction of customers.  Hyperledger Fabric has enabled users to authorise access to supply chain data of food. That also according to their choice. Users can check for the entire history. Alongside the location of any food item that exists. Such systems can help in the hassle-free identification of defective sources.

Contracts for B2B

This is the final list of applications of Hyperledger Fabric. It would refer to the contracts of B2B. Businesses can remove the requirements of codification of business contracts. It can help to lead the mechanisation of agreements that are contractual in nature. B2B contracts give sufficient space for value-added advantages. It is considered one of the best examples of Hyperledger Fabric applications. Businesses could also use smart contracts. It is for ensuring mechanisation. Mechanisation of contractual agreements among various parties. 

Advantages of Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric is one of the most notable frameworks of blockchain that is used widely. It can also be termed as Hyperledger fabric blockchain. Especially in setting up of enterprise. It offers many beneficial points. Making it a fabulous choice for the organisations. Businesses that are looking for deployment of permissioned and private networks of blockchain. Below are the crucial advantages of Hyperledger Fabric:

Flexible Architecture

Hyperledger Fabric allows architecture that is flexible in nature. It further allows businesses to personalise various sections. That is according to requirements. Thus, it enables, flexibility, interoperability and scalability. That too with the existing system of the organisation and its processes. Businesses can integrate and choose items. Such as membership services, consented algorithms, and execution of smart contracts. Where environments are tailored according to their needs. 

Approved Network

Hyperledger Fabric supports approved networks of blockchain. It allows businesses to control the access. Along with defining the permissions for participants of the network. It is unlike public blockchain networks. Where anyone can transact and join. They are approved networks. They ensure the participation of authorised entities only. It enhances privacy, security, and regulatory compliance.

Scalability and Performance

Hyperledger Fabric is designed for high performance and scalability. They have the capability of supporting thousands of transactions within seconds. Its architecture helps in allowing horizontal scaling. It is performed by adding up extra nodes of networks and partitions. It ensures ideal performance under an elevating workload. Moreover, Hyperledger Fabric uses a consensus mechanism. They are of pluggable type. It helps in enabling businesses to choose algorithms that are consensus. The algorithms are customised to fulfil the specific needs of the performance.

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Confidentiality and Privacy

Hyperledger Fabric offers vigorous features of confidentiality and privacy. It allows businesses to encryptions of sensitive data. It defines control over access. That is both the levels of transaction and network. Collections of private data help in enabling selective transaction disclosure details. Disclosing to the authorised parties. While channels help in the facilitation of safe communication. Along with isolations of data among participants of the network. 

Flexibility of Smart Contract

Hyperledger Fabric helps in supporting smart chain code or contract. It is written in common programming languages such as JavaScript, Java, and Go. This flexibility helps in allowing developers to write smart contracts. It is by using familiar frameworks and languages. It facilitates fast development. Along with quick deploying of applications of blockchain. Moreover, multiple languages of smart contracts are supported by Hyperledger Fabric. It helps enable interoperability. Along with reusing code across various platforms. 

Approved Membership Services

Features of Hyperledger Fabric consist of vigorous membership services. It is for the management of authentication, identities, and control over access. That is also within the network. MSPs (Membership Service Providers) help businesses to enable in enforcing and define policies for revoking, onboarding, and managing the participants of the network. The comminuted control over membership helps in ensuring compliance with the requirements of regulations. It reduces the risk of forbidden access. It also eliminates the risk of harmful activities.

Stretchable Consensus Procedure

Hyperledger Fabric offers a Consensus Procedure. It allows businesses to choose algorithms that are consensus. The algorithms are tailored to their needs. Raft, Kafka and Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) are examples of consensus algorithms. They provide resilience and are available alternatively. They also provide fault tolerance and provide final transactions. Moreover, Hyperledger Fabric supports customised consensus protocols. It helps businesses to enable Consensus Procedures. They are optimised in use cases.

Capabilities of Query that are Rich

Hyperledger Fabric provides capabilities of queries that are rich. It enables businesses to analyse and retrieve blockchain data. It is done by using standard query languages. Such as SQL. With query support that is rich in nature, businesses can perform analysis of complicated data. They also make performance in the extraction of useful insights from transactions of blockchain. They also help in generating customised reports. Moreover, Hyperledger Fabric helps support the collection of private data. It further helps to enable selective questioning of sensitive transactions. They are based on access permissions and controls.

Security of Enterprise-Grade

Hyperledger Fabric helps in prioritising the security of enterprise-grade It helps in engaging algorithms that are cryptographic according to the standard of the industry. Along with the best practices of security for the protection of sensitive transactions and data. Protected key management, end-to-end encryption and control over access ensure confidentiality. It also authenticates and integrates transactions of blockchain. Moreover, features of Hyperledger Fabric access the capabilities of management. Along with vigorous identity. It also helps businesses in enabling granular control of access. It audits trials for regulatory and compliance purposes.

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Integration and Interoperability

Hyperledger Fabric is made for flawless integration and interoperability. It is with the processes and systems of existing systems. Its interfaces of standard and modular architecture enable interoperability. That is also true with other platforms of blockchain. Along with applications of the enterprise and dispersed ledger. Moreover, Hyperledger Fabric helps in supporting open protocols and standards. It also helps in the facilitation of interoperability and exchange of data. Along with collaboration with different networks of blockchain and ecosystem.

Use Cases in the Industry of Hyperledger Fabric

Use Cases in the Industry of Hyperledger Fabric

Supply Chain Management

Networks of merchants, manufacturers, and suppliers can be local or international. They make up the supply chains. By enhancing traceability and transparency of transactions inside the fabric. Networks of Hyperledger Fabric can enhance processes of transaction in the supply chain. Businesses on a Fabric network can history of transactions of data. If they have permission to access of ledger. 


This fact helps in the promotion of accountability. It decreases potential fraud in transactions. The ledger may be updated with information on shipment and manufacturing. That too in actual time. It might make it easier, quicker, and more effective. It is for keeping track of the condition of the product.

Transferring of Asset and Trading

Exporters, importers, brokers and banks are only a few participants and enterprises. These are needed for transferring assets and trading. They make project collaborations. Even in this digital era, a lot of paperwork needs to be done in this industry. But they can perform in business and communicate with each other. That also without using of paper. All thanks to Hyperledger.


For the Prevention of fraud in insurance and falsifying claims, insurance firms make billion-dollar investments. The insurance business can consult the transaction of data. It is kept in the ledger with the help of Hyperledger Fabric. Using the code of chain, Hyperledger Fabric helps in mechanising the process of payment. It fastens the processing of claims. Tackling of subrogation claims of various parties will also get many advantages of this procedure. It is where it is potential mechanisation of requests of the companies. It is compensation from the at-fault party. Utilising this private blockchain will make the process easy. It is for verifying the procedure of KYC and identification. 


In the industry of healthcare, privacy, data security and interoperability are supreme concerns. Hyperledger Fabric helps in enabling transparent and secured sharing of data for healthcare. It is shared among the providers, patients, regulators and insurers. It is while maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of the patient. 


Hyperledger Fabric allows healthcare businesses to create a tampered-proof and unified record for the patients. It also consists of histories of treatment and transactions of medicals. It ensures the integrity of data and authenticity. Smart contracts help in enabling the processing of automated claims. Along with settlements of payments and verification of insurance. It also decreases administrative overheads and alleviation of mistakes. 


Moreover, Hyperledger Farics helps in the facilitation of interoperability between platforms of EHR (Electronic Health Records) and different systems of health. It further helps in enabling of flawless exchange of data. Along with collaboration among the stakeholders of the industry. By grasping the technology of blockchain, healthcare businesses can enhance the outcomes of the patients. It further decreases the cost of healthcare and improves compliance with regulations as well.

Banking and Finance

In the banking and finance sector, Hyperledger Fabric offers various opportunities. It is for the improvement of transparency, efficiency and security. That too in financial transactions. Processes of Hyperledger Fabric help in enabling financial institutions. It is for streamlining trade finance, cross-border payments, and financing in the supply chain. It is done while decreasing the cost and diminishing the risks. 


With Hyperledger Fabric, financial institutions can make permission and private networks of blockchain. It is for undergoing secured transfer. Along with settling of financial assets. For instance, securities, currencies and goods of actual time. Smart contracts help to mechanise the execution of complicated financial agreements. Suh as derivatives, contracts of loans, and securities that are backed by assets. It also decreases risks that are counterparty. It thus improves transparency.


Furthermore, Hyperledger Fabric helps in enabling regulatory compliance. It is done by providing immutable records, auditable financial institutions and various other activities. By grasping the technology of blockchain, financial institutions can improve regulatory reporting. Along with that, Compliance with Anti-money laundering (AML), and detection of fraud while ensuring data protection and privacy of the customers. 

Public Sector and Government

Public sector and Government enterprises face many challenges in delivering transparent and efficient services. They deliver to the citizens while maintaining accountability and trust. Hyperledger Fabric offers a transparent and secure platform. For governments. It is to decrease bureaucracy, streamline public services and improve the engagement of citizens. 


Hyperledger Fabric helps Governments to enable in creation of an approved and private network of blockchain. It is for the management of identity, registries of land, processes of acquisition and systems of voting. By grasping the technology of blockchain, governments can develop records that are auditable, tamper-proof, ownership of properties and expenditures of the public. It further ensures accountability and transparency. 


Moreover, Hyperledger Fabric helps in the facilitation of transparent and secured systems of voting. It helps enable citizens to take part in democratic processes and elections. It is while ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of their votes. Identity management systems that are based on blockchain help in the empowerment of citizens. It is for controlling their data. And protective services of government access. It thus decreases fraud and theft of identity. 

Management of Identity

Management of identity is an important aspect of today’s ecosystem which is both modern and digital. It further encompasses authentication of the users, privacy of data and access control. Hyperledger Fabric helps in providing a secured and decentralised platform. It is for ensuring trust, digital identities, privacy and security in online communications.  


With the help of Hyperledger Fabric, enterprises can create approved and private networks of blockchain. It is to manage and store digital identities, permissions and credentials properly and securely. Smart contracts help in enabling mechanised verification of identity. Control of access and authentication. It decreases dependency on centralised providers of identity. It decreases the risk of identity theft and data breaches. 


Furthermore, Hyperledger Fabric helps in the facilitation of transparent and secure sharing of verified attributes of identity. It is among different service organisations and providers. It helps in enabling flawless onboarding of users and the process of authentication. By grasping the technology of blockchain, businesses can enhance the security of data, the privacy of users and compliance regulations. It enhances the experience of the user. 


Hyperledger Fabric is also beneficial in the industry of energy. By creating a scattered system for tracking the usage of energy and production, businesses can improve energy distribution efficiency. It can also decrease waste. It can also help in the reducing costs. Along with the improvement in billing accuracy. 


Businesses in the retail industry also have several advantages. By creating a transparent and secure system for tracking sales and inventory. Businesses can enhance their supply chain. They can also eliminate the risk of errors and fraud in transactions. T can also be used in the creation of loyalty products. Especially those that are more efficient and secure. 

Intellectual Property

In this final phase of the article, Hyperledger Fabric also helps in the creation of a transparent and secure system. It is for tracking intellectual property (IP). By creation of a scattered ledger for tracking copyrights and patents. Businesses can decrease the risk of violation. It further enhances the accuracy and speed of transactions that are related to IP.

Hyperledger Fabric Implemented Real-life Brands


Hyperledger Fabric is a powerful and versatile protocol of blockchain. It can help in solving a wide variety of use cases in businesses. From tracking IP to SCM, online businesses of any of the industries can get several benefits from grasping this technology.

We, Sunrise Technology  also design a unique form for delivering applications. Especially those that are run by enterprise graded Hyperledger Fabric. We are a reputed service provider of blockchain and mobile app development company. We have thorough expertise where we aid businesses in adopting Hyperledger tools successfully.

About Author

Sam is a chartered professional engineer with over 15 years of extensive experience in the software technology space. Over the years, Sam has held the position of Chief Technology Consultant for tech companies both in Australia and abroad before establishing his own software consulting firm in Sydney, Australia. In his current role, he manages a large team of developers and engineers across Australia and internationally, dedicated to delivering the best in software technology.

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